Why Do Beauty Brands Do App Only Sales or Exclusive Launches?

“I know there is a reason but why do they make “app only” sales? How is that different than me going to the site and shopping?” That was a question on a recent sales post I did and you may be wondering yourself, why do brands do app only sales or exclusive launches? I know I personally don’t use apps that much. I’m old school and login via my laptop or desktop. I feel it’s easier to browse the websites and I can open a bunch of different tabs to compare things and such where as with the app I have to keep switching back and fourth between items. But stores like Ulta and Sephora keep on pushing us to purchase on their apps. They use the incentive of exclusive launches being first on the app or app only sales to get us to download, sign up, and login to make the sale. Is it annoying? Depends who you talk to. I imagine Gen Z loves it but I’m of a generation that prefers browsing a website on my computer versus on an app.
So, why do brands alienate those of us who prefer a website over an app by offering all these cool sales and releases?

Sadly, brands are not concerned with loyalty as much as they are concerned finding a new customer. You spent one million dollars at Sephora? Sephora appreciates it but if they can find two or three or more customers new to their brand they’d APPRECIATE THAT MUCH MORE than your million dollars. If Sephora has people downloading their app daily it pushes them up on the app store which increases their chances for more exposure and gaining a new customer(s). That’s one reason they have you running around downloading their app for exclusive sales. The more people they can get to download the app the more it’ll push the app up on the app store! That’s only one reason brands want you to download their app.
Also, you are opening up two different advertising vectors with an app. Sephora sends you an e-mail and says so and so is on sale BUT if you have the app installed you’ll also, get a notification from the app. That’s two different ways they have tried to draw you in to purchase an item. If you didn’t have the app they’d only get you via e-mail but with the app (and notifications turned on) they’ll snag your attention faster. Not to mention Sephora will be tracking when their users use the app the most. Perhaps 1PM is a popular time for most of the users to open the app and Sephora will use that to their advantage by sending notifications around that time for a new item, a sale, or something else as they know it’s a high traffic time for them. It’s a great marketing tool for them! The benefits of having apps installed and customers using them are endless for brands and it’s one reason they are constantly trying to lure you to using them versus just visiting their website to browse or make a purchase.
I personally, prefer websites but if there’s some sort of launch or sale that I can only get an the app I’ll likely use it. But for me, website browsing is the way to go. How about you?

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