Unlocking the Power of Black Girl Vitamins

Black Girl Vitamins

•What inspired you to create Black Girl vitamins? Is the brand family-owned and operated?

Black Girl Vitamins was born out of the passion and dedication of Maxine, who noticed the lack of supplements serving the underserved community of Black women. With the support of a team of nutritionists, she launched our first product, Vitamin D gummies, in 2021. Since then, with the help of her brothers, family, and friends, the brand has grown to empower and uplift Black women everywhere. Black Girl Vitamins was established to tackle nutritional deficiency scientifically proven via research to be common among black women and highlight racial disparities black women face in healthcare. We aim to address scientifically proven nutritional deficiencies common among our community and shed light on healthcare disparities

•Tell us about the mission of Black Girl Vitamins

Our mission is to provide high-quality, specially formulated vitamins that cater to the unique needs of Black women. We envision a world where every Black woman feels empowered and supported in her health journey. – ADVERTISEMENT –

At Black Girl Vitamins, we’re all about delivering a powerhouse of effective vitamins and supplements specially crafted to support the unique health needs of Black women. Our carefully curated products are designed to nourish and empower, helping you thrive on your wellness journey. Our goal is to empower Black women, build community through outreach, and offer health expertise and education as resources to address overlooked problems Black women face.

Black Girl Vitamins

•What makes Black Girl Vitamins unique?

We have high-quality supplements that work. Our carefully curated products aim to nourish and empower, helping you thrive on your wellness journey.

Foster community through outreach, and provide health expertise and education as resources to address overlooked challenges you face.

At Black Girl Vitamins, we provide high-quality, specially formulated vitamins that cater to the unique needs of Black women. We believe that every Black woman deserves access to supplements that support her health and well-being. We strive to be a trusted resource, offering products and information that address the specific challenges faced by Black women. Together, we can uplift and inspire a community of strong, healthy, and confident Black women. 

Empowerment: We’re all about empowering our community by offering scholarships and supporting Black health practitioners. We give monthly scholarships to young Black Women in school for healthcare-related fields. By offering scholarships, we advance the careers of health practitioners who look like us, thereby helping to produce more Black doctors who can make a positive impact in our community.

Building a Community: We host and sponsor events to create a space for Black women to come together, share experiences, and support one another. It’s all about building a strong community! – ADVERTISEMENT –

Black Health Awareness: We shed light on the overlooked problems that Black women face. Did you know that 82% of Black women experience certain major deficiencies? Black Girl Vitamins raise awareness while also providing solutions!

•Tell us about some of the conditions black women are more prone to and how the supplements can help prevent the onset and treatment.

Vitamin D – 82% of black women in America are deficient in  Vitamin D. For Black Women, This lack of Vitamin D has been linked to

Seasonal Depression

Multiple sclerosis

Increased Injuries

Chronic Fatigue

Our Vitamin D3 gummies help Stregthen bones, improve mood and reduce stress, boost immunity, improve heart function, increase energy level and reduce inflamation. We recently developed a sugar free substitute for our d3 gummies. We are also working tol be the first company to have a complete sugar free line by the end of 2024. Its expensive to develop clean products this way but we know its worth it 

Iron – Black women are 3x more likely to have iron deficiency anemia. Our iron gummies help fight iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues

With Daily Intake of our Iron Gummies, You Can Prevent

Restless legs syndrome

Heart problems

Issues during pregnancy

Dizziness or lightheadedness

Cholesterol – The highest prevalence of heart disease occurs in the black community. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease claims the lives of nearly 50,000 African-American women each year, making it the leading cause of death among Black women in the U.S. Among African-American women aged 20 and older, 59 percent are living with cardiovascular disease. These statistics are alarming, yet it seems that many of us remain unaware of the risk of heart disease, a fact that is often reflected in our daily lifestyle choices and preferences. Women are likely to have low cholesterol levels during their reproductive For some women who’ve had normal cholesterol readings all their lives, that changes at menopause. 

Using Choless-control regularly will bring you the benefits necessary for your heart health. It works to lower your LDL (that’s the bad cholesterol), boost your HDL (the good cholesterol), support healthy blood flow, and stop cholesterol from oxidizing. It is effective without side effects, this is why it is considered the best cholesterol supplement for Black women.

BGV Choless-control is an excellent choice when considering cholesterol supplements for Black women. It is packed with essential ingredients and offers additional benefits. Numerous black women have already testified to the efficacy of this supplement in sustaining healthy cholesterol levels- see reviews.

Pregnancy – The highest infant/maternal mortality and PCOS occur among black women. Recent studies reveal a startling number of Black Women are not meeting the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iron, which is concerning given the role of iron in preventing pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia, conditions we’re already at a higher risk for. As pregnancy progresses, our iron needs increase, and the study indicates many of us have insufficient iron stores by the second trimester, with a significant drop as we enter the third. BGV Prenatal Vitamins and Iron gummies help replenish the needed nutrients needed to stay healthy during this period. 

•What does self-care mean to Black Girl Vitamins?- ADVERTISEMENT –

For us Self-Care is Self-Love, and Self-Respect. You need to love your body to take care of it. Prevention is not only better than cure but it’s also cheaper. And as Black women, we do not have to wait to fall victim to chronic illness before priotizing our health. We love every Black woman and we want you to love yourselves by eating right, staying active, priotize your physical and mental health, and take your Vitamins. This is why we have safe and easy gummies to make self-care easy for you!

1) We use as much natural ingredients as possible and stay away from artificial 

2) about 90% of all our products are vegetarian and halal 

3) we have gluten free products as well 

4) We have less sugar in our gummies than our competitors

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