I LOVE THEM! I like that they don’t hurt my hair OR my head, LOL! Because you know how sometimes when you put your ponytail up and you get a headache? That happens to me all the time, EXCEPT WHEN I WEAR SCRUNCHIES.
They also don’t leave that weird bend in my hair… You know what I’m talking about — that dent you get in the crown from a ponytail.
I’ve been thinking about them lately because I was looking around the Urban Outfitters website, and they’ve got a TON of scrunchies.
Like, what the hell, dude? I need to crawl out from under my rock, because I had no idea it became socially acceptable for hip youngsters to don scrunchies again.
Free People even has jumbo scrunchies!
Anywho, I’ve been wearing them for years, and it’s funny, but you know you’ve hit a certain point in your life when you’ve lived through trends that were totally in style, then fell out of style, and are now back in style again.
How do you feel about scrunchies? They seem to be one of those things that people either love or loathe.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,