Starting With My Foundation: Pink Super Moon Giveaway

 Greetings, dear readers, and happy Monday! I missed you last week, but my second Moderna vaccination really kicked my behind and I was not particularly functional. I’m still not fully *there*, but tonight is the Super Moon, I’ve been thinking A LOT about things, and I have been putting off this giveaway far too long already. It’s time. Let’s do this.For those that have been following me for the past year or more, you already know I’ve been through a lot physically and mentally the past 13 months. While my blog is usually my sanctuary against the stressors of day-to-day life, it just because too much for me to keep up with. I certainly tried, but there was always another hurdle presenting itself. I had this giveaway planned for my 9th blogiversary earlier this year, but it got pushed back with my brother’s sudden passing. I thought perhaps I would turn it into a Galentine’s giveaway; that obviously didn’t happen. Then I thought maybe my birthday…..and nope, the mental toll of my knee surgery setback paired with my 1 year COVIDversary was too much. I’ve had this prize pack sitting on my table in the office, and I kept thinking “now should be the time”. After much introspection for reasons that really don’t matter here, it’s time. Tonight is a full moon, the first Super Moon of the year. Tonight’s full moon is in Scorpio, and it brings about transformation as we are challenged to confront our past traumas and fear and pushes us to take control of our boundaries, anxieties, and obsessions. After walking by this bag “starts with foundation” earlier today, I realized there really is no better time for me to hold this giveaway. So let’s do it, dear readers, let’s finally make this happen!This prize pack consists of the following:-Starts With Foundation Cosmetic bag (Doubledown Cosmetics)- The Standard blush (Doubledown Cosmetics)- Trio of Vegan Lip balms: The Present, The Punk, and The Future (Doubledown Cosmetics)- Blend Sponge Set with Travel Pouch (YUBI Beauty)Enter with the Rafflecopter widget below!a Rafflecopter giveaway
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