Saturday Surfing, December 23, 2023!

December 23rd, 2023 by Karen 3 Comments
Happy holidays!
Good morning, sweet friend! You know what I realized yesterday? It’s kind of wild that during this time of year when you go into someone’s house, there’s a big ol’ tree in their living room. Any other time of year it would just be viewed as a little quirky, LOL! Anywho, the fam and I off to have lunch in the beautiful town of Sonoma with a dear friend (hi, Marisol) and then we might go ice skating. I think it’ll depend on how caffeinated I get beforehand. 😬
On that note, tis a short and sweet Saturday Surfing today.

Go science
Currently listening to this
I love a one and done shadow
Have a wonderful rest of your day. I hope things are great on your end!
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
Saturday Surfing, December 23, 2023! / Originally published December 23rd, 2023There are 3 comments on this post. Leave yours. Categories: Just For Fun

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