Let’s Catch Up — From Roses

getting back into instagram For a long time, I’ve had a real love-hate relationship with Instagram and it’s been a big source of worry and anxiety for me but I think I’ve finally found a good balance with it. It’s actually made me really happy which isn’t something that I’ve felt for such a long time and I’ve felt that thrill of sharing content and connecting with my audience which I truly thought had disappeared with the constant algorithm changes. Taking the pressure off to constantly share beautifully curated content has been a big game-changer for me. As much as I enjoy creating and sharing it there was a lot of pressure and I know that my favourite content to see especially on stories is snippets from their everyday life so that’s what I’ve tried to create a balance with.appreciating the small things It’s fair to say that this year hasn’t been a time to be working towards big goals and it’s been hard to get myself out of that mindset. There have been so many things taken completely taken out of our hands so at the moment I’m really trying to focus on the small things that I can work towards and achieve. Some days this simply looks like getting up and walking the dogs and other days I get to work on the small number of projects I have right now. As my typical workload has been dramatically reduced I’ve found myself with so much more free time and whilst I’d love to say that I’ve spent the time productively but I haven’t. The anxiety of the unknown of what is happening in the world right now and being put back under lockdown has certainly taken a big toll on my mental health as I’m sure it has for so many others. As all our big plans have been cancelled like our wedding, Scotland trip and our biggest plan to move house have all been put on hold. Having a big reset of my mindset has been very necessary and I’m trying to remain as positive as I can as I do have so much to appreciate in my life.watching really good tv I feel like I’ve watched more tv than ever lately and to be honest, I’ve rather enjoyed it. It’s been the exact escapism that I’ve craved with everything going on in the world and this is what I’ve loved watching lately;

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