Eight Is Great! – Makeup and Beauty Blog

This not-so-little girl turned eight today! Hard to believe she was once a small peanut in the crook of my arm.

She currently loves Squishmallows (who doesn’t though), cats, watercolor painting, crafting, dancing, math and science.
She still loves spending time with mama and daddy, so I try to soak up all of the hangout time that I can get right meow! 🙂

It’s crazy to me that once upon a time she lived inside my body. Now she’s out and about in the world, sashaying her way across the stage and through life. She’s sweet, smart and sassy.

Thank you for being her cool internet Aunties. 🙂
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
P.S. Oh, and goddesses of the universe, if you’re listening, please shower her with love and light, watch over her and to surround her with people who will bring out the best in her.

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