Better Skin & a Better You: 4 Fresh New Year’s Resolutions

Reading: 4 minutes

It’s that time of year. The time to take stock of the past 12 months and consider what we want next year to look like. Because let’s be honest, even though sometimes we don’t fulfill all our resolutions, there’s something irresistible about making a list and kicking the year off right.

Ready to put your best face forward in 2024? We’re sharing four ideas for resolutions that can help you feel better overall and give your skin a fresh start.

Let’s celebrate

Another year of adventures behind us — with opportunities taken and memories made. Like any journey, there’ve been ups and downs. But each of these moments have made us stronger.

All year round, but especially now, we celebrate the importance of small gestures: a sweet smile or a kind word. We celebrate our skin, the constant companion we experience the world around us with. And above all, we celebrate having 365 new opportunities, with the ongoing commitment to take care of and love ourselves. Here’s how to make the most of them:

10 minutes a day for yourself

Our daily lives demand a lot from us — pause to find a moment for yourself. It could be in the morning, before bed, or as a break at work. If you don’t have much time during the day, you might wonder… How?

Take 10 minutes out of your day away from your phone and dedicate them to yourself. Start by reducing your phone usage by 10 minutes a day and use that time to do something you enjoy, like painting your nails, doing your skincare routine with a little extra TLC, or reading a few pages of that book on your bedside table. Try something you’ve been wanting to do for a while and pamper yourself.

Once you’ve made it a habit and realize its benefits, you can extend this time to 20 minutes, 30… whatever your body and mind ask for.

The benefits for your skin

Slowing down and relaxing has a direct and positive impact on your skin: by reducing stress, you might notice a bit more of a natural glow. Your skin reflects how you feel on the inside, and when you’re relaxed and happy, it simply shines brighter. But why?

When you relax, hormone levels such as oxytocin increase, while cortisol levels decrease. And in simple terms: this hormonal balance promotes healthier, more radiant skin.

More healthy foods

You probably already know all the benefits that come along with improving your diet (making it a popular choice at the top of New Year’s resolutions lists). Our best advice? Try not to overwhelm yourself. Improving your diet means adopting healthy habits that will last over time, so it can be better to take it slow and set small goals.

Start by reflecting on what healthy foods you can prioritize in your diet and each month, you can work to add a new superfood to your meal plan.

The benefits for your skin

Did you know that some signs of skin aging can be amplified by your diet? A balanced diet rich in antioxidant foods such as vitamins A, B, C, and minerals can help keep you looking (and feeling) vibrant.

You can also introduce more foods with high water content, such as fruits and vegetables. They contribute to better hydration, or in other words: softer and healthier-looking skin. Or foods rich in collagen to help support its natural elasticity. Take your pick and get glowing!

A year full of exercise

Another classic resolution? Exercise more. And it’s no wonder, as daily movement can benefit our well-being, puts us in a better mood, and improves our skin.

Setting aside one day a week to start exercising can be helpful when getting started. Plan to go for a walk or run on Sunday mornings, attend a spinning class on Friday after work. Organize your weekly movement plan according to what works best for you!

Don’t worry, good exercise comes in all forms (and you don’t have to enjoy them all). This year, try, experiment, and find your favorite. Also, start slowly. The first month, aim for 15 minutes a day, the next, 20 — gradually increasing until you have a workout routine that you love.

The benefits for your skin

Exercise improves blood circulation. And better circulation means more oxygen and nutrients are transported to the skin cells. It can also help improve sleep quality at night and reduce stress levels, which as we mentioned, may positively affect your skin.

Daily sun protection

It’s a simple habit, but sometimes we all need a little push to maintain consistency. Applying sunscreen every day is quick and easy, and it’s one of the best things you can do for your skin!

The best sunscreen is the one you want to wear every day. This year, make it a daily habit to love, care for, and protect your skin.

The benefits for your skin

Exposure to solar radiation has a big impact on the health and appearance of your skin. The more you protect it, the better! Using sunscreen daily can help you to combat photoaging and, most importantly, keep your skin healthy.

Adopting this habit can help prevent the appearance of sun spots, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and maintain a healthy skin barrier.

You’re doing great

Often, less is more. That’s why setting a few goals and spreading them throughout the year is better than making a long list and putting pressure on yourself. Prioritize your time and go for the goals that excite you (and don’t overwhelm you).

Our final reminder? Every day is an opportunity to take care of yourself and pamper your body. Because taking care of your skin is not just a matter of beauty — it’s about honoring your body, protecting your health, and feeling good inside and out.

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Our namesake embodies the spirit of embracing life and all its wonder. As wellness journalists, we explore topics that invigorate the senses and keep curiosity alive. We believe that glowing skin is the result of a healthy body and mind. Weaving beauty with science, we aim to inspire you to live young at every age.

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