Best Home Remedies To Get Soft Hands In Winter

Best Home Remedies To Get Soft Hands In Winter – Winter is truly harsh on our skin. The dry, cold weather condition can worsen the condition of our skin. However, for many of us, winter skin care means face care. We invest into expensive or ultra expensive face creams/serums/moisturizers to get soft, glowing skin, but what about our hands and legs? Some of us have this habit to apply the residue of the face cream/moisturizer (the left over cream or moisturizer that stays on the hand after we apply the same on the face) on our hand. But that simply doesn’t do the job. Even body lotions also are not enough at times, specially if you have dry and damaged skin on your hand. So, what to do? Beautiful face and rough hands are complete mismatch, so check out here the best home remedies to get soft hands in winter.Check – Steps to Do Homemade Orange Facial Best Home Remedies To Get Soft Hands In Winter 1. Sugar and Coconut Oil Remedy to Get Soft Hands How to use sugar and coconut oil for soft hands? In a bowl take 1-2 tbsp sugar and add required amount of coconut oil to that. Mix together and use the mixture to scrub your hands. Gently massage on damp hands for few minutes and then wash off with plain water. Reapply this home remedy with sugar and coconut oil twice or thrice in a week to get naturally soft hands in winter. Benefits of this Remedy to Get Soft Hands in Winter – Sugar – Sugar is a one of the best natural exfoliators for our skin. Not only sugar provides topical exfoliation, but also benefits our skin with chemical exfoliation. The mild abrasive texture of sugar granules work excellent to exfoliate the top layer of the skin and remove the impurities, dirt, excess sebum as well as dead skin cells. Sugar is a great natural source of glycolic acid. Glycolic acid belongs to the AHA family. It can penetrate the skin and dissolve the ‘glue’ like substance that binds the skin cells. This in turn, helps to get rid of dead skin cells, promotes faster cell turnover and makes way for fresher, younger looking skin. Also, glycolic acid works wonderfully to heal sun damaged skin, and it is also highly beneficial to treat premature aging signs on the skin. Regular use of sugar scrub helps to smoothen out the wrinkles and lines and also repairs the skin damages done by UV rays. Sugar is a natural humectant. It means sugar has the ability to absorb moisture from the air and lock it in the skin, thus ensuring skin stays moisturized and hydrated. This particular benefit of sugar not only benefits dry skin types, but also helps the one with oily skin type. By keeping the skin properly moisturized, sugar prevents the over production of sebum by the sebaceous glands and thus, keeps oil at bay. Being a humectant, sugar scrub hydrates the skin more than other scrubs, which might strip the skin of its natural oil. Regular application of sugar scrubs can boost blood circulation in the skin. Better blood circulation ensures better flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the cells, which boosts the overall health of the skin. Also, it helps promoting collagen production and keeps the skin youthful, smooth, supple as well as nourished. Coconut Oil – Coconut oil has unmatched moisturizing benefits for our skin. It is a great natural source of medium chain fatty acids as well as triglycerides, which help in moisturizing dry skin. Along with providing a boost of moisturization, they also ensure that our skin doesn’t lose moisture through the pores, and for this, they coat the skin with a protective layer. This is why, coconut oil is considered a great natural remedy to get soft hands in winter. Coconut oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is also responsible for the amazing moisturizing benefits of coconut oil. Vitamin E is an anti oxidant, that help fighting off the free radicals and prevent skin dryness and dullness. UV damage can also make our skin dry and vitamin E is very effective to fight off UV damage. In addition, vitamin E helps replenishing the skin with lost moisture as well as strengthens the connective tissues of the skin, that further eliminate dryness and improve our skin texture. The most remarkable benefit of using coconut oil for skin care is that it gets absorbed by our skin very quickly. The fatty acids found in coconut oil are structurally similar to the fatty acids present on the cells on the top layer of skin. This allows easy absorption of coconut oil. The oil can reach deep into the skin layers and provide a boost of moisturization and nourishment to the skin cells, thus avoiding dryness. Dry skin is prone to skin infections. Coconut oil comes with anti fungal as well as anti inflammatory benefits, that help curing skin infections. The anti inflammatory benefits of coconut oil help to soothe the irritation caused by dry skin. Being a rich source of protein, coconut oil helps in improving cellular health as well as repair the damaged tissues in the skin, that helps keeping the skin nourished and healthy. The high amount of anti oxidants as well as other nutrients in coconut oil help with healthy cell regeneration and improves our skin texture. Regular use of coconut oil helps to boost collagen production in the skin, enhance the natural elasticity of the skin, and keep dryness at bay. Exfoliation is must to soften dry skin. Coconut oil has gentle exfoliating benefits. It helps to dissolve the dead skin cells and other impurities from the skin surface and eliminate them, thus making skin softer and smoother. 2. Aloe Vera and Papaya Remedy to Get Soft Hands How to use aloe vera and papaya for soft hands? Take a few small ripe papaya cubes and mash it with a fork. Alternatively you can blend the papaya cubes and prepare a paste. Take a tbsp papaya paste and a tbsp pure aloe vera gel to that. Mix together apply the resultant mixture all over the hands, gently massaging with your fingertips. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with plain water. Reapply this DIY remedy for soft hands with aloe vera and papaya twice or thrice in a week. Benefits of this Remedy to Get Soft Hands – Aloe Vera – Aloe vera gel contains 96% water and more that 200 healing phyto nutrients as well as 18 amino acids. It is, hence, no wonder to be known as the miraculous plant to solve all our skin problems. Being rich in water, aloe vera offers great moisturizing benefits. It is non-comedogenic, which means aloe vera doesn’t clog pores and hence, can be used for all skin types. With regular use, aloe vera repairs dry skin and softens our skin texture. It can reach deep in to the skin layers and provide a boost of moisturization as well as nourishment. Thus, it repairs the cell damage and enhances our skin health. Aloe vera also helps to exfoliate the upper layer of the skin and remove the impurities, thus making skin clear, healthy and soft. The vitamins present in aloe vera help nourishing the damaged skin cells and also strengthen the skin tissues to further improve our skin texture. Collagen is a very important structural protein for our skin and any deficiency can cause saggy skin with lines and wrinkles. Aloe vera is extremely beneficial to boost collagen synthesis in the skin. It contains ‘gibberellin’ and ‘glucomannan’ and both components help promoting collagen synthesis in the skin. The anti oxidants present in aloe vera also help with boosting cell growth which also results in better skin health. Also, it helps protecting the skin cells from free radicals as well as environmental elements to help avoiding various skin concerns, such as acne, dull skin, skin darkening etc. Aloe vera contains mucopolysaccharides, a long chain sugar molecule. It helps in balancing the moisture level of our skin and also boosts collagen production in the skin, thus keeping the healthy and youthful. The polysaccharides in aloe vera also supports skin cell regeneration process. UV exposure also damages our skin severely. Aloe vera, with its anti inflammatory properties, helps to treat sun damaged skin and provide quick relief from the itchiness, redness and dryness. Olava Naturals Aloe Vera Gel is a premium quality, 100% pure and non-toxic aloe vera gel. It is a multipurpose product and works equally well for both skin and hair. To know more, read the review here. Also read Best Home Remedies to Cure Cracked Heels You Must Try Homemade Moisturizing Body Scrub You Must Try This Winter How to Use Glycerin to Get Soft Skin – Know the Benefits Papaya – Papaya is a great remedy to get soft hands in winter. It contains a high amount of skin nourishing vitamins, such as vitamin A, B and C. Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins for healing dry skin. It increases sebum production in the skin to repair dry and flaky skin. B vitamins are known for their anti oxidant benefits. They can keep the skin healthy by preventing free radical activities. Also, they help with healthy cell regeneration to maintain soft and supple skin. Vitamin C is an anti oxidant. Not only it fights off free radicals, but also helps to promote collagen production in the skin, which helps to restore soft, supple and glowing skin. Papaya is rich in flavonoids, and they are very effective in healing dry as well as damaged skin. The high potassium content in papaya also helps to get soft, smooth and glowing skin, by enhancing blood circulation in the skin. Papaya is a source of various natural enzymes that come with wonderful benefits for our skin. It contains ‘papain’ enzyme, which provides excellent exfoliation for our skin and removes the layer of dead skin cells. Along with papain, papaya also contains various AHAs as well as BHAs, that help with dry skin treatment. Papaya contains beta carotene that also help improving our skin health. Beta carotene helps to boost cell regeneration and makes way for healthy, nourished skin. Furthermore, the anti inflammatory properties of papaya help to soothe dry and irritated skin. Papaya contains a powerful anti oxidant compound known as lycopene that help with keeping skin damages at bay and help us achieve healthy and beautiful skin. 3. Yogurt and Olive Oil Remedy to Get Soft Hands How to use yogurt and olive oil for soft hands? Take 1 tbsp fresh and plain yogurt in a bowl. Add some cold pressed olive oil to that and mix both of them together. Massage the resultant mixture all over the hands. Let it sit on the skin for 15-20 minutes before washing off everything with plain water. Reapply this home remedy with yogurt and olive oil 2-3 times in a week to get soft hands naturally in winter. Benefits of this Remedy to Get Soft Hands – Yogurt – Yogurt has excellent moisturization as well as exfoliation benefits for our skin. It is a great source of lactic acid. Lactic acid belongs to the AHA family. It exfoliates the skin and removes the dry and dead skin cells from the skin surface. Along with exfoliation, lactic acid adds a boost of nourishment and moisturization that help to enhance our overall skin health. Yogurt is rich in B vitamins. Vitamin B2 in yogurt is enriched with anti oxidant benefits. It protects our skin cells against oxidative stress, and helps to avoid various skin problems, including skin dryness, acne, premature aging of skin etc. Also this vitamin can boost healthy cell growth and supports manufacturing healthy cellular fats to help repairing skin damages. Vitamin B5 as well as B12 in yogurt also help to moisturize dry skin. Sun exposure affects our skin badly. It causes a lot of skin damages, such as sun tan, sun burn, photo aging etc. Yogurt contains zinc, a vital mineral that helps to fight off sun damage with its anti inflammatory benefits. Vitamin D is another important vitamin for our skin. But our body cannot produce it. Yogurt comes with vitamin D that help fulfilling the requirement and prevents dry skin. Vitamin D is an anti oxidant that contribute to healthy skin. Calcium is a vital mineral for our skin. The outermost layer of skin contains a high amount of calcium. And any deficiency of this mineral can cause dry and rough skin. Yogurt is a rich source of calcium, that helps preventing dryness. Calcium also boosts cell renewal process, thus repairing damaged skin and making skin healthy and soft naturally. Olive Oil – Olive oil contains healthy fats, such as omega 6, omega 9, oleic acid, etc. that moisturize and heal dry skin. Also olive oil helps to retain skin moisture by forming a protective layer on the skin. Olive oil contains a natural organic compound, squalene, which is known for its wonderful moisturizing properties. Squalene moisturizes our skin and also forms a protective barrier on the skin to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms and further enhance our skin health. Extremely dry skin can lead to psoriasis, which causes flaking of the skin. Olive oil contains mono unsaturated fatty acids, that moisturize the skin and keep the flaking under control. Vitamin E present in olive oil also helps with dry skin treatment. It is an anti oxidant, which prevents oxidative damage to our skin cells and keeps dryness at bay. Also it can replenish the skin with lost moisture to heal dryness. Furthermore, the anti inflammatory properties of vitamin E soothes dry skin, while its anti oxidant properties defend cell damage due to psoriasis. Eczema can also develop due to extremely dry skin. It can make the skin rough, itchy, inflamed and even bleed. Regular application of olive oil nourishes the skin and softens it and also soothes inflammation caused by eczema. Furthermore, olive oil prevents bacterial infection on the affected parts of the skin with its anti bacterial benefits. Olive oil is a good source of vitamin A, that helps to repair dry skin by boosting sebum secretion in the skin. Also it boosts cell growth to further repair our skin texture. These were three amazing recipes to get soft hands in winter. So, getting soft, beautiful hands in harsh winter days isn’t that difficult, right? 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