1. “Dance Life,” Amazon Prime
This reality show follows a group of talented young dancers who want to break into the competitive world of professional dance in Australia. I was impressed with their work ethic and the creative choreography!
The slow motion sequences are beautiful, by the way.
2. “Beecham House,” Amazon Prime
Do you love period piece dramas? Me too! Fire this up ASAP. Make sure you have on comfy pants and your favorite pillow and blanket nearby when you dive into this epic tale set in 1795 in Delhi.
3. “One Day,” Netflix
So, I enjoyed this TV series about an ill-fated pair of lovers, but daaaang it got slow in the middle. At that point I was so emotionally invested, though, and I couldn’t look away. If you want a condensed experience just watch the movie of the same name starring Anne Hathaway from 2011.
4. True Detective: Night Country, MAX
Scary! Don’t watch it when you’re alone at home at night. The leads, Jodie Foster and Kali Reis, have so much acting game, which is why I kept coming back for more.
5. “Belgravia,” Amazon Prime
One more for my period piece friends. This one has drama for your mama! There is an almost shocking amount of shady behavior from all angles, which you’ll either love or loathe. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
What’ve you been marathoning lately?
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,