Simple Homemade Moisturizer for Beautiful, Soft, Glowing Skin

Simple Homemade Moisturizer for Beautiful, Soft, Glowing Skin – Many of us think that moisturizers are only for winter, because since the weather gets dry at that time, so our skin requires moisturization to stay soft and healthy. However, that’s actually not the case! Our skin requires moisturization all the time, throughout the year, no matter if its summer, winter or monsoon. Yes, the formula might change according to the weather, means, we should get a heavy duty moisturizer for winter whereas a lightweight, water based moisturizer works best during summer. Today, the market is flooded with thousands of different types of moisturizers, for various skin types and various skin concerns. But whipping up a homemade moisturizer from the scratch has its own fun! Check out this simple homemade moisturizer recipe for naturally beautiful skin below.Check – Homemade Besan Face Scrub Simple Homemade Moisturizer for Beautiful, Soft, Glowing Skin Ingredients to Prepare Homemade Moisturizer – Rose Vitamin E Oil Aloe Vera Gel Glycerin Jojoba Oil Water Clean Glass Jar How to Prepare Homemade Moisturizer for Soft Skin? To prepare your homemade moisturizer, first take two fresh red roses and separate the petals. Wash them thoroughly with plain water. Grind them to make a smooth paste. Take 2-3 vitamin E capsules and puncture them. Squeeze out the oil and add that to the paste. Also add a tsp pure aloe vera gel. Finally add few drops of glycerin and a tsp jojoba oil and mix everything nicely to prepare your homemade moisturizer. Store this homemade moisturizer in a clean glass jar. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Apply this homemade moisturizer everyday on the clean face as well as neck and massage thoroughly with your finger tips. This is a great homemade moisturizer for all skin types, be it oily, dry or matured skin. This homemade moisturizer can be stored for 7-10 days and after that, prepare once again. Benefits of Homemade Moisturizer for Soft, Glowing Skin – Now, let us talk about the benefits of the ingredients that we used to prepare our homemade moisturizer to get beautiful, soft , glowing Skin. Rose – The first ingredient that we have used in our homemade moisturizer is rose. Roses have deep cleansing benefits for our skin. The rose petals help to remove the extra oil from the skin. However, being hydrating in nature, rose petals also help increasing water content in the skin. Rose petals contain rose oil, which is enriched with natural anti bacterial benefits. That’s why, it is an ideal ingredient for oily and acne prone skin. Rose also maintains the pH balance of the skin. Roses are enriched with anti inflammatory properties. They help soothing irritated skin and reduce the redness. Roses, with their moisturizing properties, help calming down the redness and irritation of the skin. Rose helps make our skin feel relaxed. Roses are ideal for sensitive skin type, as the sugars present in the rose soothe the skin. Roses are packed with anti oxidants. These anti oxidants help strengthening our skin cells and support regenerating skin tissues. This further helps to make the skin healthy, glowing and more resistant against damages. Besides, roses contain a good amount of vitamin C, which has great anti oxidant benefits. Vitamin C neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals and environmental elements. Regular use of rose petals for skin care helps to protect the skin from a number of ailments, including premature aging. Vitamin C also helps to get glowing skin. Dry skin is at the higher risk of developing aging signs earlier than normal or oily skin. Therefore, its very important to keep the skin moisturized adequately. Roses are extremely moisturizing as well as nourishing for the skin, thanks to its rose oil content. Rose oil helps with moisture retention in the skin and prevent dryness. The natural astringent benefits of rose help to tone the skin and tighten saggy skin. Also it smoothens our skin texture to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Besides, roses are rich in anti oxidants as well as vitamin A and C. The anti oxidants protect the skin from premature aging. Vitamin A and C help to reduce age spots and promote collagen production in the skin to make the skin supple and firm. Also they minimize the appearance of blemishes, marks and scars. Vitamin E Oil – Vitamin E is known as one of the most skin nourishing vitamins. One of the main ingredient of our homemade moisturizer, vitamin E oil, works wonders to transform our skin. Vitamin E is considered as one of the best treatment to repair dull and damaged skin. It nourishes the skin from within and rejuvenates dull and tired skin. Vitamin E comes with antioxidant benefits. It can boost new cell growth and make skin healthy. Being an anti oxidant, vitamin E help neutralizing the free radicals and prevent skin damages. It also protects skin from environmental factors, specially UV exposure. The free radicals are often responsible for untimely aging of our skin. They make skin dull and saggy with lines and wrinkles appearing here and there. The anti oxidants help to delay the appearances of aging signs. Vitamin E boosts the collagen production and helps in maintaining our skin elasticity. Vitamin E is known for its ability to treat skin hyper pigmentation. Being an anti oxidant, vitamin E boosts healthy cell regeneration process, which in turn, helps to lighten the marks and blemishes. Vitamin E also helps to treat acne. Free radicals often damage our skin cells and lead to breakouts. Vitamin E neutralizes the effect of these free radicals and boost our overall skin health. Aloe Vera Gel – Aloe vera has a magical ability to transform dull and lifeless skin to soft, healthy and glowing skin. That’s why we have used aloe vera gel in our simple homemade moisturizer recipe. It acts as a great natural moisturizer for our skin. Being non-comedogenic, aloe vera suits every skin type, including sensitive skin. Aloe vera is well known for its anti inflammatory benefits. It helps in soothing irritated and inflammed skin. Aloe vera is extremely beneficial to provide relief from sun burn. Topical application of aloe vera brings down the redness of the skin and also gives relief from the pain caused by sun burn. Not only sun burn, but it is very effective to lighten sun tan as well. Aloe vera is enriched with various nutrients, enzymes, as well as plant compounds that help to improve the overall health of our skin and make the complexion glowing. The natural enzymes present in aloe vera exfoliate the skin and remove the impurities. Through exfoliation, aloe vera helps boosting new cell growth that further helps to lighten acne scars, marks and other skin pigmentations. The hydrating and moisturizing benefits of aloe vera improves the skin texture with regular use, makes the skin soft and smooth and also adds a glow. Aloe vera is a source of ‘gibberellin’, a growth hormone and ‘glucomannan’, a polysaccharide. These two compounds help with boosting collagen synthesis in the skin. Skin remains taut, youthful and smooth for a long time. Being a natural astringent, aloe vera helps with pore tightening which further smoothens the skin texture as well as helps to lift saggy skin up. Aloe vera works great for oily skin. The astringent properties of aloe vera remove excess oil from the skin and prevents blocked pores, thus reducing the chances of breakouts. Being rich in water, aloe vera keeps the skin hydrated. Regular use helps to maintain oil free, fresh, soft and glowing skin. Aloe vera can effectively fight off acne and pimples. The natural anti bacterial properties of aloe vera can destroy the acne causing bacteria. The glycol-proteins present in aloe vera come with anti inflammatory benefits. They help to reduce the pain as well as redness of acne and speed up the healing process. Furthermore, anti oxidant compounds present in aloe vera play active roles in keeping the skin soft, healthy and glowing. Olava Naturals Aloe Vera Gel is a premium quality, 100% pure and non-toxic aloe vera gel. It is a multipurpose product and works equally well for both skin as well as hair. To know more, read the review here. Also read How to Use Plum for Skin Care – Know the Benefits Steps to Do Homemade Malai Facial – Know the Benefits How to Use Orange Peel for Skin Care – Know the Benefits Glycerin – Glycerin works as a very powerful moisturizer for our skin. It works in multiple ways to heal dryness as well as give us soft and glowing skin. Glycerin, a very important ingredient in our homemade moisturizer, has humectant properties. It can absorb moisture from air and helps to repair dry and dull patches on our skin. According to experts, glycerin works like a sponge, that pulls in water to the outer layer of the skin. Furthermore, it can also slow down the evaporation process of the water from our skin surface. This helps to enhance skin’s water retention ability. There are many reasons why our skin feels rough and dry to touch. As we age, the skin becomes more susceptible to irritation, redness, moisture loss, etc. Plus the environmental assaults wreck havoc to our skin. As a result, skin starts to develop tiny cracks on the outer surface, which is not visible to the naked eye. Regular application of glycerin helps to fill those cracks and smoothens out the skin texture. Glycerin has emollient properties, that helps to keep our skin moisturized. Skin feels soft and supple to touch. Regular use of glycerin gives a healthier appearance to our skin. The therapeutic benefits of glycerin on our skin help to heal a number of skin problems. Glycerin has the ability to increase the thickness of epidermal layer of the skin. It also improves skin’s barrier function. Glycerin not just helps to hydrate our skin, but also protect the skin from harmful chemicals as well as environmental elements. Glycerin comes with excellent skin healing properties. It helps to heal dry skin and also provides relief from fungal infections like psoriasis and eczema. Also it boosts cell growth process, which in turn, helps to heal various skin issues and makes skin naturally healthy and beautiful. Jojoba Oil – Jojoba oil is another vital ingredient of our homemade moisturizer. It contains several skin friendly nutrients including vitamin E, vitamin B complex as well as minerals such as zinc, copper, iodine, etc. These nutrients help nourishing damaged skin cells as well as restoring healthy skin. Jojoba oil gets absorbed by our skin easily, because it has similar chemical structure to our skin’s natural sebum. It suits all skin types and the best thing is that jojoba oil doesn’t block the skin pores and cause breakouts. Jojoba oil has great skin cleansing properties. When used on the skin, it dissolves the dirt and impurities stuck in the pores and helps with their easy removal. The high amount of ceramides present in jojoba oil help hydrating the skin cells and keep them healthy. Regular use of jojoba oil makes our skin soft and supple, but without any oiliness. Furthermore, jojoba oil has natural anti aging benefits. It is rich in Vitamin E, which is an anti oxidant. It protects our skin from the affects of premature aging caused by free radicals as well as environmental elements. Also jojoba oil helps in retaining moisture in our skin. It also boosts new cell growth and helps to make skin softer, healthier and more glowing. Jojoba oil, with its anti microbial properties, can heal acne as well. Also, it contains iodine that helps to prevent bacteria growth in the skin. The anti oxidant benefits of jojoba oil, along with its anti septic as well as anti inflammatory properties, result in healthy, soft and glowing skin. This is an amazing recipe to prepare homemade moisturizer to get beautiful, soft and glowing skin naturally. Do try this at home and see how your skin glows with health and beauty! You can thank us later 🙂

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