How to Use Basil for Hair Care

How to Use Basil for Hair Care – Know the Benefits – Holy basil or tulsi as we commonly say, is a plant which is deeply associated with religion and worship in India. In most Indian household, the plant itself is worshipped. Along with that, many of us know about the health benefits of basil or tulsi leaves. It also has a number of skin benefits. But what about hair? Tulsi or basil also can be used on hair. And in this article, you will find out about all the important benefits of basil for hair care and how we can use the same. Tulsi or basil is particularly highly beneficial for a healthy scalp, thanks to its anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties. Basil can also help with hair growth. Plus it can treat dandruff. To know all about basil for hair care, read the article below.Check – Home Remedies to Treat Rough Hair Benefits of Using Basil for Hair Care Basil helps to cure dandruff. Dandruff is a common problem for many of us. But finding a perfect solution isn’t easy. Moreover, there is no guarantee that every anti dandruff product will work for everyone. In such cases, it is best to resort to natural remedies. Basil comes with anti bacterial and anti fungal benefits. It helps driving away the dandruff causing fungus from the scalp, thus providing relief from dandruff. Most of the times, dandruff is associated with severe itching and it ends up damaging the delicate skin of our scalp. Being rich in anti inflammatory benefits, basil soothes the irritated scalp and provides relief from itching. Basil also has the ability to improve blood circulations in the scalp. This in turn, ensures better flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles and provide them with much needed nourishment. This way, basil helps stimulating the dormant hair follicles and helps with new hair growth. Another major benefit of using basil for hair is its ability to stop hair fall. Bacterial or fungal infections on the scalp often leads to uncontrollable hair fall. Enriched with anti fungal and anti bacterial benefits, basil helps treating the scalp conditions and reduces hair fall. Also, basil can supply nutrients to the hair follicles, thus strengthening the hair shafts and reducing brittle hair as well as hair breakage. Basil has anti oxidant benefits. It helps fighting off the free radicals and protects our hair and scalp from various damages, including premature graying of hair. Simple Ways to Use Basil for Hair Care 1. Simple Basil Remedy for Hair Care How to use? Put a handful of fresh basil leaves in a grinder along with some water. Prepare a paste and take it out. In a bowl, take required amount of your regular hair oil and add the basil paste to that. Mix together and apply it all over the scalp as well as hair, massaging gently with your fingertips. Wait for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Reapply this simple basil remedy once or twice every week to get naturally healthy and beautiful hair. 2. Basil and Hibiscus Remedy for Hair Care How to use basil and hibiscus for hair care? Take 10-12 fresh basil leaves and wash them. Put them in a grinder along with few drops of water. Take 6-8 fresh red hibiscus flowers and separate the petals. Also take few hibiscus leaves. Wash everything thoroughly. Put everything in the same grinder and prepare a paste. Take it out. Apply it on the scalp and massage gently with your fingertips. Leave it on for an hour before rinsing off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this simple hair care remedy with basil and hibiscus once or twice a week to get gorgeous hair naturally. Benefits – Hibiscus is an Ayurvedic treatment to resolve our hair issues. According to Ayurveda, the world is made up of five elements – space, water, earth, fire and water. A combination of each element further results in three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha which are responsible for a person’s physical and mental state of health. They also influence our skin and hair health. Normally an unique combination of these three doshas are required for healthy and gorgeous hair. But excess state of the doshas results in different hair problems, such as stopping hair growth, hair fall, frizzy hair, split ends, hair thinning, premature graying, oily scalp and oily hair, etc. According to Ayurveda experts, hibiscus can pacify and balance the three doshas, which help curing our hair problems. Hibiscus flowers as well as hibiscus leaves are enriched with vitamins, such as vitamin A, B, C, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other minerals along with amino acids, AHAs, etc that all work together to nourish the hair from deep within. When used topically, the vitamins and other nutrients present in hibiscus add nourishment to the hair follicles. They strengthen the roots to the tips and stimulate them for hair growth. If you want to grow long hair, include hibiscus in your hair care regime. If you have dry hair that hasn’t responded to any other treatment, try hibiscus. It contains Vitamin A which helps in promoting sebum production which in turn helps to moisturize the hair as well as scalp, and prevent dryness. Hibiscus also has calcium in it which further helps to heal dryness effectively. Hibiscus contains a high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C can boost collagen production, which helps in maintaining the natural elasticity of the hair. This way, it prevents split ends and dry, brittle hair. Hibiscus flowers can work as a great natural hair conditioner and help you fight off dry, frizzy and lifeless hair. The flower contains amino acids which help in overall nourishment of the hair as well as scalp. Also, they help to add luster to the hair and make them soft, smooth and shiny. Hibiscus works extremely well to fight off dandruff, thanks to its vitamin C content. The mild, acidic nature of hibiscus makes it a great natural cleanser for scalp as well as hair and eliminate the toxins. Hibiscus helps in new hair growth, which in turn, results in thicker, voluminous hair. Hibiscus can be found in a variety of colors, such as red, yellow, white, pink, blue etc. The red hibiscus is considered as a great remedy to treat premature grey hairs. The rich red pigment produces a lovely violet dye that can cover up the grays easily. 3. Basil and Amla Remedy for Hair Care How to use basil and amla for hair care? Grind a few dry basil leaves and prepare basil powder. Take 1-2 tbsp each of basil powder as well as amla powder in a bowl and add some water to that. Mix everything together and apply this hair pack on your scalp as well as length of the hair. Gently massage the scalp for few minutes and keep the pack on for another 30-40 minutes. Use a mild shampoo to rinse off everything. Reapply the homemade hair pack with basil and amla once or twice every week to get healthy, soft, beautiful hair naturally. Also read How to Use Oats for Hair Care – Know the Benefits How to Use Plum for Hair Care – Know the Benefits DIY Herbal Hair Mask to Boost Hair Growth – 100% Works Benefits – Amla is a great source of various minerals, nutrients, amino acids as well as anti oxidants. These nutrients work wonderfully to repair hair damages, restore hair health and stop hair fall. Regular application of amla improves blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates the hair follicles for new hair growth. Amla is loaded with vitamin C. This vitamin is very effective in strengthening hair, treating baldness as well as hair thinning. It has been seen that vitamin C deficiency can cause severe hair fall. Amla helps to fulfill the deficiency and resolve the issue of hair fall. Vitamin C also helps to boost collagen production and results in better hair growth. Plus the anti oxidants benefit of vitamin C protect the hair and scalp from free radical damages and keep them healthy. Furthermore, the minerals, amino acids and other nutrients in amla fight off various hair damaging factors and make our hair strong and beautiful. Amla is also beneficial to restore ideal pH level of the scalp, which is essential for healthy scalp and hair. In addition, amla works as a great natural conditioner, due to the presence of essential fatty acids. Regular application of amla helps in nourishing and strengthening the hair, prevent frizzy hair and make the hair shiny and voluminous. One medium sized amla contains up to 81.2% moisture content in it, which is why it works efficiently to hydrate dry hair. Surprisingly amla is equally beneficial for oily hair, as it can soak up the excess oil from the scalp, while conditioning the hair at the same time. Not only hair fall and hair growth but, amla works effectively for dandruff removal, due to the high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C comes with anti inflammatory as well as anti bacterial properties that help to get rid of dandruff and restore healthy scalp. Dry scalp is a major reason that leads to dandruff formation. Vitamin C adds hydration and moisturization to the scalp and keep dandruff at bay. 4. Basil and Neem Remedy for Hair Care How to use basil and neem for hair care? We need to use basil powder as well as neem leaves powder to prepare this hair pack. Dry some neem leaves in the shade for few days and then grind them to form powder. Also take a handful of dry basil leaves and grind them to prepare powder. In a bowl, take 2-3 tsp each of basil powder and neem leaves powder. Mix together and then add some water to that and prepare a paste. Apply it on the hair as well as scalp and massage gently for few minutes. Wait for another 30-40 minutes. Finally rinse off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply DIY remedy with basil and neem once or twice weekly to get soft, problem free hair naturally. Benefits – One of the major reasons for using neem for hair care, is its ability to boost hair growth. Neem comes with high levels of anti oxidants, that help protecting the scalp and hair from free radical damages and enhances hair growth. Also, neem is known for regenerative properties which means it can boost faster and healthier cell division, and this in turn, stimulate the hair follicles to grow new hair. The nutrients present in neem also support hair growth by nourishing the hair follicles. Neem’s high fatty acid content is extremely beneficial to maintain a healthy scalp, and we know that a healthy scalp is must for healthy hair. This herb can acts as a savior for those suffering from increased hair thinning and balding. One of the major reasons behind hair fall is excess sebum (oil) production by the sebaceous glands present on our scalp. Excess oil end up clogging the pores of the scalp and cause inflammation. This can damage the hair roots and lead to uncontrollable hair fall. Regular use of neem on scalp helps to unclog the pores and facilitates hair growth. Dandruff is a common yet stubborn hair problem. Many of us suffer from dandruff be it chronic or seasonal. The itching that comes with dandruff is embarrassing as well. It is not easy to find a remedy to get rid of dandruff permanently. However, neem is highly effective in treating dandruff. Neem comes with anti fungal benefits, that help to remove the dandruff causing fungus from the scalp. Also, the anti inflammatory benefits of neem provides relief from the inflammation of the scalp caused by constant scratching. In addition, neem has wonderful moisturization properties as well. This helps in restoring moisture back to the scalp and driving away dandruff caused by dry scalp. Neem is extremely beneficial to maintain a healthy scalp. Unhealthy scalp can lead to a number of hair problems, including severe hair fall. Neem comes with anti bacterial as well as anti fungal benefits, which work together to get rid of bacteria and fungus from the scalp, thus preventing any scalp infection. Scalp infections can lead to odorous scalp as well as severe hair fall. Neem helps to get rid of scalp odor by treating the scalp infection. Also, neem has anti inflammatory properties which help to reduce any scalp inflammation and soothe irritated scalp effectively. The moisturizing benefits of neem help keeping the scalp moisturized, thus preventing dryness as well as itchiness of the scalp. Neem is a great source of several fatty acids, such as, linoleic acid, oleic acid and stearic acid. These acids add nourishment to dry and damaged hair and condition the scalp and hair. The moisturizing benefits of neem work extremely well to give relief from frizzy and dry hair and help to restore silky, smooth locks. Split ends is one of the worst enemies of healthy hair growth and it is caused due to extreme dryness of hair. Neem oil, when used regularly, helps in moisturizing the hair from root to tip and repair the split ends effectively. It is not easy to get rid of head lice. They not only damage our scalp and hair follicles, but also cause severe itching of the scalp that lead to embarrassment. Neem, specially neem oil is considered as one of the best natural remedies to fight off head lice. Neem oil is obtained from neem tree and it comes with a pungent odor. Researches have shown that lice cannot survive on strong odor and get suffocated. This is the primary reason why neem oil works so well to get rid of head lice. In addition, neem oil contains ‘azadirachtin’, a special ingredient that plays a vital role in lice treatment. Azadirachtin is an organic tetranortriterpenoid molecule similar to an insect molting hormone, which helps to get rid of head lice by disrupting their life cycle. So, these were four super effective ways to use basil for hair care. Our hair care routine should always be natural and simple. Hope you found it helpful, stay tuned for the next one.

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