5 Things That Help Me as a Working Mom | Happy Working Mom’s Day!

The name of this holiday is kinda funny to me as all moms are constantly working (for real, though), but hey, we’re gonna go with it because apparently it’s a thing!
On that note, here are five things that help me as a working mom.
1. Prepping as much as I can for the next day
I like to do as much as I can the night before so that my morning goes as smoothly as possible, which usually means making lunches for the next day, ironing my clothes, packing my work bag, and getting all my writing done.
I do have to say, though, this is something I strive for but don’t always achieve. There’s usually something that doesn’t get prepped, and I’ve learned to just go with the flow as best as I can.
2. Wash lunch boxes and water bottles immediately when I first get home
I don’t know why this helps me so much, but it does! Right when I get home and walk through the door and start putting down bags and settling in, I try to get this task done as quickly as I can.
If I have the time and/or energy, too, I’ll also pack the next day’s lunch before I make dinner. If I can’t do it then, then it happens immediately after dinner.
I think that something about completing this task early on gives me momentum to do all the other things. It also makes my brain happy and calms my nerves. I know, it’s weird. But it works for me so I go with it!
3. Accepting that I’m never going to get control of the laundry
A mom friend who also works and I were joking the other day about how laundry is so devoted to us and will never break up with us. LOL! I’m always doing laundry, ya’ll. I’ve come to accept that it will forever never be done.
4. Focusing on my biggest priorities
Right now my biggest priority is to spend as much time with Connor as possible as she moves through childhood and her teenage years, so I recently took a very stable job with part-time hours and good benefits. It’s not really in my usual lane, and I kinda miss writing every day as a job, but at the same time, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel more present and less stressed in my non-work life, and I’m available to watch and parent Connor right when she gets out of school.
5. That said, I still try to find space for the things that fill my cup
For me, it’s writing and doing creative things, like MBB! I’m really looking forward to being more comfortable with the new job, so I’ll have even more space mentally to pursue the fun creative endeavors that make my heart sing.
Kudos to all the moms out there, especially those who are balancing family and job life at the same time, today! Happy Working Mom’s day. 🙂
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,

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